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The Oquirrh Lake Radio Club provides training, support and encouragement to radio operators who wish to serve as emergency communications specialists. The OLRC also provides technical training and standards, and acts as a source of information to radio operators and community public service events in coordination with the city of South Jordan, Utah. For additional information about the Oquirrh Lake Radio Club, please visit the clubs website at www.k7olr.org. The Oquirrh Lake Radio Club badge is made using our full color process. The club logo appears in the middle-right area of the badge with your name and call sign in black letters to the left of the logo. The badge is bordered by two red stripes with the word "Communications" at the top and "South Jordan, Utah" at the bottom. The Oquirrh Lake Radio Club badge is $15.50 with a safety pin fastener or $13.25 with a super-strong magnetic bar fastener. Click here to see other fastener choices.
Attachment options include:
Remember to select the desired fastener on the order form under the Badge Fastener selection.